We take pride in our commitment to sustainability - environmental, social, and governance (ESG). Environmentally, we strive to support a circular economy where materials are never wasted and nature is regenerated. Socially, we invest in diversity, equity and inclusion and having a positive impact on people in the communities that we live and work. For governance, we follow all rules and regulations and stay up to date on the latest issuances. We are consistently analyzing our strategies to implore the best sustainable practices both internally and externally.
Continue reading down this page if you want more details about our sustainability efforts and goals. Or get started using services with us today - your managers of sustainable waste!
A circular economy is crucial to maintaining environmental sustainability and it’s what we aim for at SIS. Often, materials we take from the environment and use in products prematurely get tossed into landfills as waste. A circular economy ensures materials are continually reused, recycled and repurposed until the absolute end of its life cycle. This ensure the waste that is created, it is the least amount possible. A circular economy also minimizes the extraction of new materials, conserving natural resources, regenerating nature, and reducing landfill volumes and pollution.
We are committed to environmental sustainability in everything that we do. Recycling is the largest effort we do to keep our environment safe for the communities that we serve. We recycle cardboard, paper, plastic, metal, wood, rubber, oils, coolants and more. If you use our Total Waste Management Service, we can set up a program to help you manage all of your waste focusing on organization, efficiency, and reduction of waste in your facilities.
What we Recycle
Paper, plastic, cardboard
Wood, tires, Rubber, Aluminum, Metal
Electronic Waste
Liquid Waste
How We Are Different…
CUSTOMIZED Creation & Implementation of Recycling Systems
Carbon Emission Tracking & Waste reduction
Strict “No Landfill” policy
Circular economy approach
Sustainability Commitment
We are committed to environmental, social and governance sustainability. Click here to read more about our sustainable policies.
Environmental Sustainability
Reducing, Reusing & Recycling
Using Eco-friendly Products
Environmental Education
Social Sustainability
A Diverse Workforce
Inclusive Employment
Governance Sustainability
Following Rules & Regulations
Business Policy Adherence
Maintaining Sustainable Business Strategies